“Graveyards Were Ours”

by Infinity Gatlin

Issue 09


I remember what it felt like to be seen by you
To walk into a room and be known
The grave you jumped into sealed my soul with the thump of your feet on the fresh earth
Your mind licked across mine with an eager tongue
Imploring me “Here, here he is. You are understood.”
Do you understand that if I could choose any life you are the only thing I would not change?
I should have told you
But I expected you already knew that
I was not afraid of the demons, knowing we would face them with flaming swords
That when the graveyard took blood from my knees I was a willing sacrifice
Sometimes I smell the iron and the dirt in my dreams
And wonder if you are thinking of me

Infinity Gatlin is a recent graduate from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a BA in Creative Writing. If chosen, this will be her first publication. Her poetry workshop professor once described her work as “psycho-erotic spiritualism.” She tries to live up to that compliment every time she writes.