“I Am A Collage”

by Akshaya Pawaskar

Issue 09
I am an ecosystem,
all the flora and fauna caresses,
bruises, burrows and sprouts
from my body.
I am a microcosm.
You will find yourself speckled,
reflected in the monolith
around the aperture of my eyes,
in Belladonna stupor.
I am one and several.
I am Cassiopeia, vain, boasting
about my daughter’s iridescence.
I am Andromeda vulnerable,
punished for being beautiful,
admonished for someone else’s
fault. Judged for just being
a girl, tied to a rock naked
like Prometheus but I am not
lusted for my liver
but eyed for my gender.
Pinned for my voluptuousness,
but saved. This story has a good
ending. Some slay the Medusa
yet also untie and marry the damsel
in distress, loving and hating.
I am also the other woman,
despised, her kind still finish off
the fairy tale by turning
Phineus to stone,
but no one applauds. The former
flies to the sky and morphs
into stars in the galactic walk
of fame. Pigeonholes being
too small to contain me.

Akshaya Pawaskar is a doctor practicing in India and poetry is her passion. Her poems have been published in Tipton Poetry journal, the punch magazine, Efiction India, Ink drift, The blue nib, North of oxford, Indian rumination, Awake in the world anthology by Riverfeet press and Rock and sling. She had been chosen as ‘Poet of the week’ on Poetry superhighway, finalist of poetry matters project contest 2019 and second place winner of blue nib chapbook contest 2018.